Event Logger is an external action for the PowerKey software that allows you to log event execution for trouble-shooting or accounting purposes. If you add an Event Logger action to an event in the PowerKey Editor, then every time that event executes, a log entry will be added to the end of the text file named "PowerKey Log" in your PowerKey Folder. This log entry will contain the date and time that the event executed and any message that you specified at the time that you created the action.
2) How to install
Copy the Event Logger file into the folder named "PowerKey Folder" inside the Preferences folder of your startup disk and restart your system. After restarting open the PowerKey Editor, edit one your events (or create a new one) and click on the "New Action" button. When the action type selector appears scroll to the bottom of the list and you will see that the Event Logger is now available. Select the Event Logger from the list and click on the Create button. This will open the External Action Editor window, any message that you enter in the editable text field of this window will be displayed in the event log file.